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After working every 20 minutes take a 2 hour break. I hear you saying. ‘Impossible. You must be crazy.’ Yep. This statement is put here for the sole purpose of making you laugh. Laugh helps you reduce stress, and taking time off is definitely a healthy way to relieve stress. Stress on the eyes, stress on your back, and if you are on computer all the time, stress on your wrist.


Set a realistic expectation on the quantity, and quality of work that you can finish within a reasonable time frame. 4 hours interval is a good place to start. When there is no guideline, you have absolutely no idea of progress, and you may stress yourself out unnecessarily. Good planning with time frame can help you cut the task into reasonable chunks like the little chocolate squares. You can enjoy one chocolate square after you finish one task. Wouldn’t that be nice? After 4 hours of work reflect on what you have done. Plan on the next step, and consider how you can improve on the work completed.

Other people's expectation of you is a source of stress, and it is a serious one. How to manage other people’s expectation? Communication is the only way. Talk and voice your opinion on what is reasonable, and how you will report progress and manage the task. Again, it is best to alert others early when you see trouble ahead. Do not hide it under the carpet. You give out the warning, and suggest how you would tackle the problem. If you need extra help, let it be known before it is too late. This way, you do not lug all the weight on your own shoulder but share the load with the team. Working this way will help build up a team's confidence, and efficiency.

It is only 5 minutes, work 15 more minutes, and then go for your break. Yea, I know, you deserve it.  


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Copyright © 2009 AIKM Pte Ltd
Last modified: 11/20/09