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Confine your worries in a box. A box that is light and compact enough for you to carry 24 hours a day. Size and gauge any problem that worries you and tackle it the best way you could. When you know your opponent well, you will not be overcome with fear. You analyze the situation and embark upon one strength and one weakness at a time. When you are in control, you feel confident and positive.


When you are angry with something, someone or even yourself, you need to calm your nerve first. Breath slowly, count your breath. Look at the wonders of nature. Take a look out the window. What do you see?

Be Positive

Positive and negative attitudes can make such a difference. If you look at the things that you are thankful for, you will feel great and feel that luck is on your side. When you think of all the things that you want to complain, then you will feel down, no doubt. Why me? Hey, positive thinking, confident attitude, they will lead you to a better life. A little bit happier, smile, and people around you will feel more positive. Laughter is the best medicine. Laugh at your own silliness to release tension and make others forget who is to blame and deal with the problem at a new angle.

Real Happiness

You know happiness is not dependent on money nor material things. These things can give you short term happiness only. What is real happiness? When you are happy with yourself, when you are surrounded by people you love. I have a  list of things that will make me happy. Do you have your list? Do you know yourself well? Do you accept what you are? A lot of people may think that if they are happy with their appearance, then they are happier people. For sure, no one on earth is totally happy with their appearance. No one is perfect. You just have to look at the strong points and appreciate what is good.


If you are happy, show it. Be nice to your friends, your boss, your colleagues. Brighten up the air with your laugh and your smile. Be confident that you can change the world, improve it and feel  positive about the future. Have faith, show that hope and love are in the air.

Happy With Yourself

The most important thing is to be happy with yourself. If you are not happy with yourself, you will never be happy. We sometimes, look for substitute, if we are unhappy with our arms, feeling that they are unsightly, we may spend money on beautiful bags to distract attention, but in the end we will be more frustrated. When  we know the  source of the problem, we have to face it head on. We cannot hide from the problem. We will only make ourselves more miserable that way. So how to make yourself happy? Keeping yourself occupied with something that you would enjoy. Doing something that you would get a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction. If you are hitting yourself against the wall, feeling that whatever you do can never be good enough, then you would give up and giving up is not the answer. Have to set goals that are within reach and work hard to achieve it. Then move onto the next stage. When you see the ones that you care about are happy then you in turn will feel happy. If you do more things to please the ones next to you, then you will feel happier. But what if your work is never good enough, you put in all your effort, and your efforts are still not good enough what to do then. Stop worrying that you are not good enough, stop worrying about poor performance, live one day at a time. Look at the goal in front with confidence and energy. Be all  that you can be, one day at a time is not difficult, others can do it and you can do it too. And who is to say that you cannot do better. Show them who you are.

When you have attained a goal, or you have done something that you are proud of, give yourself, a pad on the back. See, you can do it and keep up the good work. Very soon, you will be surprised at how much you have done. Small things do accumulate, and move towards that direction and your unsightly arm will never bother you again, as you have something better and brighter to look forward to.

Is having a happy life, too high an ideal? Is it easier to admit that it is impossible and look for an ordinary life without much turmoil? Never believe that. Perfection is hard to come by but life can surprise you.



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Last modified: 11/19/09